Meet the Kids

The main purpose of our adoption service is to find families for children, not children for families. Our program is child-focused. Families wishing to adopt are valuable resources to us for the placement needs of Washoe County’s children.


This child has siblings and an adoptive home would be willing to welcome all of the siblings. In some instances, the siblings may not be adopted together but it is necessary for the adoptive family to support an ongoing relationship with the siblings post-adoption. The child's assigned recruiter can provide information as to the sibling status.


The parental rights of the child have not been legally terminated. The child could potentially reunify with their parents, or it could be determined that the best interest of the child is to pursue termination of parental rights and adoption. The child's assigned recruiter can provide information as to the child's legal status.


Prospective adoptive parent or family must be living in the Washoe County area.


AGE 15
SIBLING(S) - Angelina
Tyler is friendly, funny, happy and “smiley”.   His caregivers will tell you that he is a tinkerer.  He loves tools, taking things apart, and making things.  His caregivers state they are forever loaning him tools for various projects.  Tyler is curious and likes to ask lots of questions.  He would love to have a male […]
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