Hello, I'm Rose “Posy”


Please meet Rose, or “Posy” as she is so affectionately called by her foster family! Posy is a very sweet preschooler, who seems to have never met a stranger.  This tiny yet mighty girl is very affectionate and enjoys firm hugs and being held.  She also seeks approval from her caregivers.  While Posy doesn’t go out of her way to seek out peer interactions, she does enjoy other children, and has bonded with her foster family.  Posy loves music, playing with her piggybank, and looking at books.  Posy is non-verbal currently, but certainly knows how to express what her needs are by taking your hand and walking over to the things she wants.  This is especially true when she wants her two favorite foods, peanut butter, and milk!

Posy has some needs that will best be met by a caregiver or family who is patient, supportive, and encouraging!
